Best Flea Repelling Plants For Your House

Best Flea Repelling Plants For Your House

Do you want to know how to get rid of fleas? Well, then this post will give the best solution to your problem. Summer is the high season for flea attacks. However, there are many flea repelling plants that can keep these pesky blood-sucking insects away from your house and pets. Adding these plants to your garden and porch will help to keep your house and yard flea-free. 

Best Flea Repelling Plants For Your House

Let’s take a look at some of the natural flea repellent plants, which will add a decorative element to your garden as well as keep the fleas away.


Catnip is one of the flea repelling plants from the mint family. The best part about growing catnip in your garden is that it is pet friendly; however, your pet cat may like it way too much. Fleas do not find the smell of catnip attractive, which easily eliminates fleas from your home. 

Catnip is an edible herb, which can be dried to use as a tea for better sleep. It is a perennial plant that has a strong smell similar to mint plants. According to researchers, catnip is ten times more effective than DEET (a potent chemical used in insect repellants). 

Catnip is a natural flea repellent that can be easily grown from seeds or cutting and even root divisions. Unlike other plants from the mint family, catnip loves to remain in full sun and grows in most types of climates and soils. 

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Mint is an excellent natural flea repellent for any garden, backyard, or house to keep them away from our dogs and other pets. There are different types of mint varieties like spearmint, chocolate mint, peppermint, orange mint, etc. All of these varieties are effective as flea repelling plants and are also pet-friendly.

You will enjoy how your pets smell after brushing against mint plants and will stay clear of fleas at the same time. At the same time, you can harvest mint for cooking delicious dishes. However, remember, mints are aggressive growers; they will cover up your entire garden within no time. The best way to grow mints is in pots to keep them contained.

If you want to grow mint in a particular part of your yard, you can dig roots guards into the soil to keep the plant contained. Find a nice, moist, and shady place to grow mint.

Lemon Balm 

Another great flea repellent for humans is the Lemon Balm plant. Lemon Balm has a citrusy scent which humans love, but insects detest. This is one of those flea repellent plants that work to keep most insects and mosquitos away from your yard. It can also make a great extract for natural bug repellent spray.

Insects will not go close to your hard if you grow lemon balm. Even best if your pets smell lemon balm, you will have nothing to worry about. Lemon balm is also like a weed plant, but it does not thrive well in pots.


Sage is a multi-functional, sun-loving plant that can be easily grown at home to get rid of fleas as well as make some teas for you to sip. Unlike mint and lemon balm, this plant does not spread all over the yard and can be grown safely even without any root guards.

Sage is a perennial plant that grows upto 2-4 feet high. It does well in loose and well-drained soil and dislikes wet roots; therefore, it maintains good drainage to prevent root rot. Sage grows well in cool climates and makes a great companion plant for your garden. It will get rid of fleas and keep insects away from tomatoes, cabbage, and onions. However, keep sage plants away from cucumber and basil.


Basils are great flea repellent and also a great addition to cooking. Not only does this plant attract bees and other pollinators, but it is also safe for your pet cats and dogs. It is very easy to grow basil, just leave seeds in the pot, and they will self-grow.


Oregano is the most common herb plant which is used in almost every kitchen. It belongs to the mint family and works as a natural flea repellent plant. You do not have to worry about your pets with this plant; it may even help them to digest their food better. Plus, the point is that you can even make a good-tasting tea with fresh oregano herbs while soaking under the sun in your flea-free backyard.


Rosemary is another best flea repelling plant, which also doubles as a culinary herb while being a safe pet-friendly plant. It can grow as big as a bush when planted in the ground. While working as a great flea repellent for humans, it also attracts butterflies and bees, which helps in pollination.

The great thing about Rosemary is that it is a perennial plant, which grows well in draining, loose soil under full sun. Sage and Rosemary both grow nicely together and can be combined to make a strong flea-repellent spray. 

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Another favorite cult plant for repelling flea and tick as well as other insects from the garden is Lavender. It is easy to grow and bloom beautiful flowers that attract bees and butterflies, making your garden look surreal. These beauties will keep growing as long as you prune them regularly. This is one of those flea repelling plants that every member of the family, including the four-legged, will love.

There are more than 20 species of Lavender in different shapes, sizes, and colors. These hardy perennials grow with woody bases and gorgeous, fragrant flowers. It can be pretty difficult to propagate them using seeds; instead, try to find some tip cuttings.

Lavenders love sunny positions and well-draining soil. You can grow them in pots as well as gardens to get rid of fleas. Also, these are safe around every kind of pet.


We all know how great lemongrass works in the kitchen for cooking, but did you know it can also repel fleas and ticks from your house? Humans love the scent of lemongrass; however, insects, mosquitoes, and fleas hate it. This is another plant that can be used as extracts to make bug and flea repellent sprays for humans as well as pets.

Lemongrass is a beautiful, ornamental herb that thrives in full sun. Some varieties of lemongrass can grow super fast in warm climates and are used to make citronella oil(used in insect repellent sprays). This is a great plant to have in every house. You can plant them in pots and keep them outdoors on your patio to keep these ugly pests away from your house and pets.


If you want to keep your yard flea-free, then Fleawort is the plant you should be growing in your yard. Fleawort consists of different kinds of weed-herbs which are known as plantain weed. These plants remain low on the ground and grow in bunches like lettuce. You can even use Fleawort to make tea and salad. The top part of the Fleawort blooms in a beautiful flower which will add a beautiful touch to your garden.

Marigold to Repel Fleas 

Marigolds are extremely multi-functional and make a beautiful addition to your garden. These effectively get rid of various types of insects that eat up precious plants in the garden, which is why most gardeners plant them along with their crops. Also, these help to get rid of fleas because of their strong scent. 

Marigolds are completely safe for dogs as well as cats. You need not prune the flowers to keep the plant blooming. You can use the seeds from drying flowers to grow more marigolds in your garden. Of Course, these will also look extremely beautiful on your porch.


Another magical flea repelling plant is Eucalyptus which is known for its strong aroma. Although Eucalyptus is found in most parts of the world, it is still planted as a beautiful addition to city homes and gardens. One biggest benefit of growing Eucalyptus is that it is an excelling natural flea repellent and is pet friendly at the same time.

The leaves of Eucalyptus can be used to make string herbal teas, and people also like to hang them in the bathroom to keep them smelling fresh. If you live in areas with the risk of wildfires, you would want to skip this tree, as it spreads easily due to the high oil content in the leaves.


Chrysanthemum flowers have been used to get rid of fleas and other insects since ancient times. These pretty and decorative flowers can be grown in a pot and can even be planted in the ground to become a flowery bush. You can even use dried Chrysanthemum flowers to make tea. Chrysanthemum is safe to be used around dogs; however, these can be toxic to cats.

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Final Words:

Flea repelling plants and herbs works as a great preventive measure to get rid of fleas. However, this is not a foolproof or long-term solution to keep insects away from your house, garden, or yard. Seek helps with regular pest control treatment to keep your house pest-free during summer. 

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